Monday, January 27, 2014

from cv to be

originally a cv shooting...

great discovery of a woman's photogenicity and versatility one fine saturday morning
thank you m. for letting me share the pictures

model: m.
bonn, january 2014



kein laut. nur regen tropft von fensterbänken.
was mich betrifft: ich fühl mich so allein.
ich möchte meine sumpfschildkröte sein
und mich in tiefen winterschlaf versenken.

aus dem gedicht: "in den regen" von mascha kaleko
blick aus meinem bonner fenster, 2013

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

snapshots of my roots

a piece of living past for me. strangely these photos reveal someone I have never met before

5-min snapshots of my wonderful, handsome, mysterious, kind, charming and newborn uncle

hamburg, january 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014


happy new year!
some pictures from when carolina had just started in model business with the agency LO Management. today she already is a very asked model in buenos aires, covered in several campaigns and editorial shoots.
caro - a pleasure working with you!

model: caro cohen / LO Management
assistant: vicky lopez
make up: flor zambrana

buenos aires, oct 2012