Tuesday, May 19, 2015

elena in buenos aires - part I

part one
gracias a william kano por el fondo
buenos aires, 2015

Sunday, May 17, 2015

elena terraza

a quite spontaneous photo session on some cool rooftop terrace in buenos aires - with an iPhone...
buenos aires, april 2015

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


recién le saqué fotos a mi amigo nacho. estudios de luz. luz dura, luz suave, luz con filtro... todas con luz de bombilla común. me encantan! tan expresivo, gracias nacho!

// recently I took some pictures of my friend nacho here in buenos aires. studies of light. hard light, soft light, filtered light... all of them lit only by a common lightbulb. I really love them!

buenos aires, 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

sarah III

ph & post: me
styling, art, make-up & hair: eugenia fanna
model: sarah matheus for cover management
assistant: anita f.